JAMB Past Questions and Answers for all Subjects- Download in PDF

JAMB Past Questions and Answers for all Subjects- Download in PDF. Download JAMB Past Questions and Answers for all subjects in PDF here. We had earlier posted an article on JAMB Expected questions and answers for each subject in JAMB including Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Use of English, CRK, Commerce, Accounting, Islamic Studies, etc.

Just like post UTME Past Questions and School of Nursing Past Questions, JAMB Past Questions and Answers will help you to squash the JAMB UTME Examination in flying colors.

JAMB Past Questions and Answers

If you ever asked those who have used our JAMB CBT Software and past questions for the previous exams, they will be confirmed to you that, buying those materials was the best decision they took towards passing the JAMB exams.

Why you need our JAMB Past Questions and Answers

Regardless of how you have studied and how many times you have written JAMB, one thing is certain, and that is you need JAMB Past Questions if you do not want to write this examination multiple times again.

Here are enough reasons for you to get UTME Past Questions and Answers for the 2023 UTME exams.

  • It enlightens you on the range of the examination.
  • It contains actual questions from previous JAMB exams.
  • It contains answers with workings.
  • It covers over fifteen (15) years of Past Questions
  • Guides you on how to answer technical questions.
  • There are keynotes and commentaries at the end of the past question.

JAMB Sample Questions and Answers

Here are some likely questions and answers most repeated in the UTME exams.

Here are samples from JAMB Past Questions and Answers on Christian Religious Knowledge.

  1. The signs that God showed to Moses at his
    call were meant to
    A. convince Pharaoh that he was the
    prophet of God.
    B. portray him as superior to the Egyptian
    C. enable him to perform miracles before
    D. convince the people that he has been
    sent by God.
  2. “The LORD give you children by this woman
    Eli offered this prayer because of Hannah’s
    A. loan of Samuel to the LORD.
    B. faith in God.
    C. love for the service of the LORD.
    D. desire for more children from God.
  3. ‘All the words which the LORD has spoken
    we will do …’
    What was Moses’ response to this
    declaration by the Israelites?
    A. He asked them to pick twelve stones to
    represent the tribes.
    B. He charged them to walk faithfully
    before the LORD.
    C. He offered peace offerings to the LORD.
    D. He said that the LORD was witness to
    their declaration.
  4. King Saul asked Jesse to send David to him
    because he wanted David to
    A. kill Goliath
    B. serve him
    C. marry his daughter, Michal
    D. become Jonathans friend.
  5. King Rehoboam refused to take the counsel
    of the elders because
    A. it was wrong counsel
    B. he was afraid of the outcome of their
    C. it was a turn of affairs brought about by
    the LORD
    D. he was stubborn.
  6. What did Saul do after his defeat of the
    A. He returned to Shiloh.
    B. He set up a monument for himself.
  7. He offered sacrifices to God.
    D. He repented of his sins.
  8. “Is not David hiding on the hill of
    Hachilah, which is on the east of Jeshimon?
    The report above was made to King Saul by
    A. Philistines B. Amalekites
    C. Ziphites D. Hittites.

Download JAMB Past Questions for Free

Click on the subject you want to begin the download process.

How to Score Very High on JAMB UTME Exams 2023- Top Secrets

There are top secrets that can help you ace out any examination. This secret can be applied to any examination including the JAMB UTME Examination, especially mathematic questions. Now, you will need to follow these tips and thank me later.

Bonus Tip One: Ensure to Use Past Questions and Answers to Study– Do you really desire to pass your JAMB UTME examination effortlessly? Then do not neglect the use of Past questions and answers in any exams you write especially examinations like the JAMB UTME examination which often repeat questions. The essence of past questions is not really about the repetition of questions, but studying and understanding the pattern in which questions are set. They are times only limited questions will be repeated, and in such scenarios, you will use the ideas generated in the past materials you studied to tackle new questions.

Bonus Tip Two: Use Recommended Textbook– You want to pass your examination and you are studying out of context? You are seriously wasting your effort. The truth is questions are not hijacked from Pluto or mars, questions are set from materials recommended. So make sure to go through the recommended materials.

Bonus Tips Three: Look through the JAMB Syllabus and Brochure- Going through the syllabus and brochure is to ensure that you understand the scheme of things. Don’t go into the JAMB CBT examination hall ignorant of the very essentials things that might disqualify you from making it.

Bonus Tip Four: Revise All You Studied the Day before the Exams– There is something that revision does to you, it sharpens your memory. The reason is that revision is done under stress, and in psychology, there is what is termed as “positive stress”, and the kind of stress you experience during this period is a positive kind of stress, it keeps your brain alert.

Bonus Tip Four: Pray, Hope, and belief- You can only do your best, and leave the rest for providence. Do not work as if it depends on your strength. Your life depends on God, so always make sure you go back to him for help and guidance. It surely helps and I am living proof!

How to Download UTME Past Questions

To download the material, you will need to pay a sum of 2000 naira only (The cost of the past question is 2000 naira) into the following account;

Account Details

  • Account Number: 0318379097
  • Bank: GTBANK.

After Payment, send the following;

Please all for all inquiries, call or send a direct message on WhatsApp to 07063986527.

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