Nigerian Universities Admission Pattern 2023 | See How Admissions will be Conducted
Nigerian Universities Admission Pattern 2023 | See How Admissions will be Conducted.
Has the pattern of admission for this year change? What is the University admission pattern for Nigerian Universities for 2023? You need to know the Universities admission pattern for 2023. But why will knowing the Admission Pattern for Universities in 2023 help you rank?

Let’s answer your question and clear your doubt here. Knowing the Nigerian Universities admission pattern will help you know how to calculate your cumulative points and cut off marks hence enabling you determine your admission status even before the admission list is released.
Admission Guide for Tertiary Admission Aspirants 2023
Here is the admission guide that you need for all tertiary admission aspirant in 2023. University aspirants and JAMBites are to note that passing JAMB is not enough to gain admission. The final determinate of your admission will be the institution you choose.
After the scraping of the post utme aptitude test, most universities and polytechnics still conduct the post UTME aptitude test for their candidates. Aspiring tertiary institution candidates should know that the admission patterns of school conducting the post UTME aptitude test is not the same with institution who are no longer conducting the aptitude test screening.
How will JAMB and Universities conduct their admission in 2023? This article will show you how to calculate your cumulative cut off point for JAMB admission. So keep reading.
The authorities of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has released a new set of instruction and guidelines which may act as a real life line for students seeking admission this year
The process of admission as explained by the board was released after its policy meeting presentation which was held following consultations with tertiary institutions across the nation.
Hitherto, Universities will be charging fees for screening and admission processes (the new one) will work for candidates who wrote the examination and direct entry.
Before a candidates will be considered for screening, the said candidate must have been given provisional admission by JAMB. The Admission Checker Portal of JAMB will be enable for this process.
Revealing further, the Joint Admission Matriculation Board stated that system where admission would depend on the point tally of the candidate means JAMB provisional admission no longer makes much sense for this year. You point tally absolutely determines where you stand.
The points are eventually spread out between your O’level and JAMB. This helps to create a balance situation for all to be admitted.
Primarily, any candidate who submit just one result containing iimportant subjects has already got 10 points.
The exam could be NECO, WAEC, GCE, but any candidate who has two sittings only get points of two.
The exam could be NECO, WAEC, GCE, but any candidate who has two sittings only get points of two. This means candidates using one sitting has an advantage over the one with two.
Candidates with better grade in their O’level stand a better chance as well. A-6 marks, B-4 mark and C-3 marks.
180 – 200 (or 20 – 23 marks), 200 – 250 (or 24 – 33 points), 251 – 300 (or 34 – 43), 300 – 400 (or 44 – 60 points) as well as five JAMB results per point added.
The JAMB Admission board had emphasizes that a candidate with 180-185 gets 20 points, a candidate with 186-190 gets 21 points.
How JAMB will conduct Admission in 2023.
Here you will be shown how to calculate your cumulative cut off point and the difference in admission processes of school writing post UTME screening and score who are only doing the screening.
Here are the processes of calculating the cutoff point and how to determine your admission via your cumulative cut off point.
If all this modalities by JAMB as proposed is rolled into effect, for the present academic session, then admission will be conducted by JAMB using the module below.
Firstly, Admission must be offered by JAMB before any candidate is deem fit by any constitution for screening. This entails that institutions will henceforth screened candidates by JAMB recommendation.
Schools Admission Screening Systems will now be based on points. The first on the grade level of this point system is the candidates O’level and this means that candidates with better O’level results stands a better chance of gaining admission.
Each grade will hence have it equivalent point or mark as stated here: A=6 marks, B=4 marks, C=3 marks which connotes that having better grades in your O’level result gives you a better chance of securing admission.
The next point of consideration after the O’level result is your UTME Score. . Candidates will be awarded marks/points based on their 180-200= 20-23 marks, 200-250=24-33 points, 251-300=34-43, 300-400=44-60 points. The higher your score, the higher your chances of securing admission.
This means that cut off marks will henceforth be known as institutions cut off points will be calculated based on the principles above.
JAMB Admission hence is now a means to an end and not the end in itself. Therefore if JAMB offers you admission, do not rejoice as your chosen institution might still reject you.
Take this example for instance, you may be given admission to study Medicine in UNILAG because of have score the stipulated point of 270. If UNILAG cut off point for medicine is 90 points and you score below this, you may still be denied admission.
Step to Check for your Admission Eligibility.
There are steps to check you admission eligibility and determine your admission into any university or institution of your choice. Here you will see and understands the process of determining your admission by confirming your eligibility.
The First Step- Number of Sitting for O’level
1 sitting is 10 marks
2 sitting is 3 marks
The total marks obtainable is 10 marks.
Second Steps O’level Result Grading from five subjects
A (A1) = 6marks
B (B2, B3) = 4marks
C (C4, C5, C6) = 3marks
Total marks obtainable is 30 marks
Third Step JAMB UTME Score Grade
Total mark obtainable is 60 marks
When Will JAMB Start Giving Admission in 2023?
When will JAMB Start Giving Admission in 2023/2022 session? Here is what you have to know. Once the JAMB Exams is over and the results has been released, the next thing is for the Institutions to start organizing post UTME screening. Once the Post UTME Results has been released, the admission list released as well. JAMB will start giving out admission letters and open the JAMB CAPs portal for accepting and rejecting admission.
See also: How to pass Post UTME Screening Test.
Having Known the Nigerian Universities Admission Pattern 2023, it becomes quite easy to calculate you cut off point, determine your admission status and make sure that you prepare to the coming academic year.
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