21 Killer Tips to Pass Any Exams with High Grades (Updated in 2023)
21 Killer Tips to Pass Any Exams with High Grades (Updated in 2023).
Today in our usual guide on examinations, we will be sharing with you some killer tips to pass exams. These tips for exam success will aid you in your exam preparation. Get ready to learn something that will change your academic story for good. Do you want a complete turnaround in your academic life? Then continue reading this article till the end.
After reading these tips, if you still don’t clear your papers when it comes to exams then it is either your lecturer hates you, the makers made a mistake, or it’s a clear spiritual problem. These are not just tips, but also revision techniques, which you can use for oral interviews as well.
These exam preparation and success tips can be used for any exams including, scholarship, and Job Interviews and recruitment screenings.
The only favor we need you to return for us is to share this article on all the social media platforms. Even before you start reading, please share as this article promise to be a life-saving parachute for students who are pursuing academic excellence.
So listed below are top tips to pass any exams with very high scores, please exam preparation tips very seriously to ensure your exam success this year.
1. Attend Classes Daily and Take Notes
Class attendance is very vital for academic success. In an article I had previously written on how to graduate with first class in any University, I had iterated on the importance of a daily class attendance as a path to academic success. In some schools, class attendance is awarded with a mark as much as 15.
Attending classes is not just for the sake of being awarded a mark during exam time, but you will be able to take notes and study your notes which will help enhance your understanding better.
So you can agree with me that a key way to pass any exam is to attend classes during school hours. Or don’t you think so? Then check out the next tip.
2. Make Reading after Classes a Habit
One of the greatest mistakes students make is to postpone reading until exams periods. This act will only increase their burden and heighten their stress during reading. There is no way a student can perform excellently when under duress or pressure. So the best approach is to make it a habit to study one notes and tests after each class.
Study one notes with proper revision you can agree is a vital part of exams preparation which will enhance your success. It’s an exam success tip I highly recommend because it will lessen your reading burden during exam.
3. Have a Timetable
Reading randomly after each class can be quite confusing. So what’s the solution? Create a time table for personal. While you probably will not ditch the school recommended timetable, but I can tell you that having a personal timetable will not only jeep you organized but will as well ensure that you pass any exam effortlessly with good grades.
SO do you agree that reading with timetable is an excellent academic tip for passing any exam? Ok check out the next tip for exam success.
4. Have a Study Group
No tree can ever become a forest and no one man can stay in an island? You certainly will not know everything on your own, so you need help and companionship. “Iron shaperneth Iron” is a popular biblical proverb and it’s true. There is a reason why clubs and frats are created in schools- for like minds to be rubbed.
It will be very helpful if you can get a group of like-minded colleagues to form a study group where all of you will vigorously pursue academic excellent. With groups like this, weaknesses will be covered and gaps will be closed.
5. Study with Past Exam Materials
Using past questions to study is one of the greatest secrets of exam success that most students often overlook. Here is the big deal: Past questions give you’re an overview and scope of the examination. With past questions and answers, you will not struggle to answers questions and you will most likely encounter repeated questions in the examination.
There is no need to overemphasizing the fact that using past questions and answers to study for exams is one of the biggest tips for exam success. So go ahead and download past questions and answers on pastquestionpdf.com.ng to help you.
6. Be Organized: Organized Your Study Space
Being disorganized can make all your effort not to yield fruits. If you can organize your study space, you will not be forgetful. Due to disorganization, some students and candidates do forget important documents there are to carry to the exam hall.
With a properly organized work and study space, you will be able to put all the things you need for an exam in one place a day before the exam.
So do you agree that organizing your study space is an effective tip for exam preparation? Why not check out the next exam preparation tip for your exam success below.
7. Eat and Sleep Well
Other very key Exam Success Tip Students do overlook is eating well and a proper sleep. In fact it is not just essential, it is mandatory! You might burn out while trying to pass an exam with high grades. Do not study and abandon yourself! After each study session, eat some good meal and have a very good and proper brain.
This will help refresh your brain cells and make you remember very well. So without gainsaying, a nutritious diet and proper sleep will definitely help you succeed in your exams. So do not overlook it.
8. When studying, have occasional Breaks & Divide your studying into sessions
There is a way you study and you end up forgetting everything. Do not try cramming everything into your head. Do make sure to have occasional break when studying for exams. You can divide what you are studying into smaller pages. For example, if you are reading a chapter with 45 pages, you can divide what you are reading into seven sessions with 7 pages each. Then make sure that you go for a break after you are done with each of the session.
This is one of the best way to study not just for an exam but for general learning. So do you agree that this is a good exam tip for exam success?
9. Use Study Techniques like Mnemonic When Studying
One key study technique that I learnt very early in life is the use of memory technique when learning. Memory techniques helps you stick what you have learnt to your brain. One of the Key memory technique is use personally is Mnemonics.
Mnemonics is the use of acronym for concepts. Using the first letter of the words of the planetary bodies to coin a meaningful and pronounceable acronym.
You can learn more about Mnemonics and memory techniques here.
See also How to study for hours without losing concentration.
10. Ask Questions and Find Help during Classes
A very big mistake I use to make during my undergrad days was remain silent in class even when I don’t understand what is being taught. A simple explanation can make the difference. You never can tell whether that is the answer that will bell you out during the exams.
Do you agree that asking questions and finding help can be a helpful tip for exam success?
11. Find out what your Exam will Look Like
Have you found out what your exam will look like? Finding out what your exam will look like is a powerful way to pass any exam without any stress. If you can find out what your exam will look like, it will definitely do one thing for you and that is give you an overview of what you will face in the exam hall as well as help you streamline what you study on. So find a way and discover what your exam will look like and save yourself the stress of sleepless nights of unguided study sessions.
12. Use Different Places to Study
The brain and computers are similar in their modus operandi. Do you know that just like and intelligent device can detect environments, so can your brain. Studying in different environments helps your brain to adapt to different environments and situations.
It might happen, the exams setting isn’t much different from one of the places which you choose for your study.
So using different places to study is a helpful tip for exam preparation and can actually boost your confidence.
13. Eliminate Distractions as Much as possible while studying
Social media, Phones, Televisions, what do they have in common? Distractions! Whenever you want to study, whether it is for leisure, exam or pleasure, endeavor to turn off the TV, keep the phone off and disable social media apps and notifications. There can be truly no meaningful learning with distractions. If you want to make the most out of your study time then eliminate this distractions before you proceed to open the first page.
P.S: Friends and families members can also be sources of distraction, so know when to shut them out.
So you can rightly agree with me that eliminating distraction will help you succeed when studying for an important exam. It is a help way on how to pass any exam, so use it as part of your exam preparation tip.
14. Set a goal
Goal setting is a vital skill every successful person possesses. There can be no meaningful achievements if goals aren’t set. Goals gives you direction, vision and clarity. At a point in your life, you will need to set goals on a daily basis to truly live a meaningful life.
So how do you set goals for your exams? Determine the scores that you wish to have and start working towards them. Set the scores based on your strength on the subjects and decide the amount of time to allot or allocate to each of them.
This way you will be able to measure the ROI on your time.
So what is your take on this one? Do you agree that setting of goals is a key aspect of succeeding in an exam? I bet you do.
15. Arrive the Exam Hall on Time and be the Last to Leave.
Most exam candidates will arrive an exam hall very late and expect to do exceptionally well. If you arrive an exam hall after an exam has commence, no matter how good you are at the subject, with the state of mind you will be in, you will definitely fumble.
The best you can do for yourself if want to pass any exam you are writing is always arrive before time. Whatever you might be doing the night before, make sure to round up and sleep on time so as to wake up on time as well.
Arriving an exam center on time is one of the ways to succeed in an exams because you will have ample time to revise again and refresh your mind.
Also make sure that you are one of the last to leave the hall. If you have finished the paper before the allotted time, then spend time going through it. Maybe you might have made some mistakes.
Most candidates are in the habit of submitting their papers hastily and later fuming with regrets over mistakes they made.
16. Occasionally Test Yourself
When you are studying, do occasionally test yourself to make sure that you have fully grasped what you have been studying. If possible pay someone to be your timekeeper and invigilator.
Let your pseudo-invigilator act as if you are in a real-life exam scenario. This kind of acting help build your confidence and prepare you for the exam ahead.
17. Eliminate Fear and Anxiety
Fear is one of the greatest enemies of success because it doesn’t allow you to act. There is a popular saying that “what you need in life lies on the other side of fear.”
Fear will never allow you to truly achieve your true potential. Some people just have a phobia for examination for no just reason. I know it isn’t easy but it’s necessary you eliminate fear of exams in your life if you actually want to pass any exam you write.
Read this article on how to eliminate fear completely from your life.
18. Make use of the Internet
Our parents never had the kind of opportunities we have today. We a presented today with limitless opportunities because we are in a digital age. Few years backs, students had to travel distances just to get information in a library. But today you can get the information that you need just with a click on the internet.
Make the most of the internet by using it to learn, get questions answered and study more. You do not even need an angel to tell you that using the internet to study is a key way to prepare and succeed in an exam. So take note.
19. Work with Various Questions on the Same Topics
If you a learning a mathematical subject, then make sure you answers or solve different problems on the same topic, or answer the same question in different angles.
20. Get an Understanding of the marking scheme
Try to know how the questions in the particular exams are marked. When you understand how questions are marked and how the marks are allocated, you will know which section to prioritize more.
This is a very big secret that a first-class graduate in a Nigerian University revealed to me and it works.
So do you want to pass any exams that you write with high scores? Then get an understanding of the marking scheme in the exam.
21. Plan your revision
Revise! Revise! Revise! After spending time to study, please ensure that you also take time to revise all you’ve studied. Plan and schedule your revision to avoid unnecessary hitches.
You can make use of a timetable to plan your revision. Please check out this article on how to plan a timetable for a major exam to help you.
Now, I said 21, but I’ve decided to add some bonus tips. You need them.
22. Prioritize all Subjects
Do not sideline weak subjects. Prioritize all subjects. Those so call weak subjects might be the ones that will cost you premium tears.
Please endeavor to prioritize those subjects that you regard as weak if you actually want to succeed in any exam you write.
23. Do not Just Read to Pass and Exam- Learn
Do not just spend time cramming facts into your head in a bid to pass the exam. You might enter the exam hall and end up forgetting everything.
Try to understand what you are reading. With a proper understanding, you will be able to remember the facts and connote ideas together.
24. Finally Pray and Believe God for Success
Last but not the least, NEVER LEAVE GOD OUT! You might do all these things but ends up getting your script missed. This is where God comes in. So if you have done your best, leave the rest for God. He knows what to do exactly!
So inviting God in is the ultimate and important way to prepare for an exam, succeed and pass without any hitch.
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These are all the tips we have for now on how to pass any exams with high grades. Do you have any suggestions to make? What other ways or tips do you have on how to pass an exam excellently without stress? Please share with us.
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